Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Introduction Post

Millions of people suffer from depression.

Many of those people go about their daily lives without anyone else knowing that they're suffering inside. I'm one of those people. I put on my happy, smiling face every day and try to trick people into believing that I'm a normal guy. I have a job, I have a girlfriend, I have a great family, and I have great friends. I have hobbies, I have talents, I have creative outlets. I'm pretty healthy, I'm objectionably handsome, and I'm a genuinely nice person. Yet, every day is a battle. There are times when I feel like everything is going straight downhill. Then, I'll have a good day where I climb back up and reach a new high, only to find that there is a huge drop off. 

This is my way of dealing with depression. I want to look at it right in the face. I want others to see what I'm going through. I want others to see just how destructive depression can be. And for those who are already suffering with depression, I want you to see how irrational your own depression can be sometimes. I hope that I can witness how irrational my depression is, as well.


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